Saturday, June 6, 2009


Few days back as i was surfing the news channels suddenly i saw something worth mentioning on CNN-IBN. Most of us can still visualize the horrible images of 26/11. Although we might have forgotten the names of the slain HEROES yet we still treat them with reverence whenever their reference comes anywhere. But reality defies benevolence!!! All those tall promises being made at the backdrop of the dastardly act have failed to materialize. Well we are accustomed to Politicians’ false promises!!! But the fact is that the families haven’t got their legitimate shares. Keeping aside the officers’, families of the others don’t have enough resourse to meet their daily needs without proper help. They are reported to be going through a state of utter anxiety. What is the future??? Yeah we are a SECULAR nation but that doesn’t mean to OIL a single community every now and then and forget the real sufferers. Perpetrators as well as Victims of terrorism have no religion. Only Lighting candles and marching with banners won’t help the cause either. We the common people must raise our voice towards this gross negligence. Terrorism is a heinous crime but more shameful it is to neglect those whose father or husband or brother has dedicated his life at an immature age for the cause of the nation. I hope that by this time those bereaved families have seen a ray of hope for their future.

1 comment:

  1. i think u are right boss. we give a hell lot of lip service and things like candle n all but really we are not bothered about them are we? its time to change all this. keep blogging
