Sunday, December 27, 2009
"STUDENT POLITICS":the controversy within
Saturday, October 24, 2009
Do Good Men Always Succeed?
Success is one of the most “ambiguous” words the English language has to offer.Many great men have delineated their views but the one that we all might know and one that really inspired me is what our Father of the Nation has said. According to him “success” lies in the pursuit of the goal and not only in its achievement. I think without failures success has no meaning and its realization depends on how failures are perceived. And the most amazing way to understand failure is to compare it to a feedback! In control engineering when a system output deviates from the desired level sends feedback signal to the input and this ultimately leads the output to the desired level. In that way failures help us in two ways: firstly we come to know what the actual way of doing the work is and secondly (may be the more important one) help us realize what we really want to achieve. Many a time we almost blindly try to reach somewhere or do something without knowing the exact reason.
Finally how to combine “good” with “success”??? The $1 million question! Again that perspective context becomes inevitable. So this question really doesn’t have an exact answer. Some people dedicate their lives for others but still remain at the receiving end of another group’s ire. So the problem is multi-dimensional; many interests come into play. What I think to be essential is the conviction that we must always be indebted to our society whatever we do and wherever we live. An individual can’t satisfy everyone he/she comes across but there must be a feeling for our surroundings in whatever we do. Keeping these things in mind if anyone is satisfied with his/her work then well he/she can realize deep within an undercurrent of “SUCCESS”!!! Success is a feeling, not a physical entity.
Saturday, September 26, 2009
WATER @ MOON,INR 380 crore!!!
Thursday, July 23, 2009
S for sAIna...
Thursday, June 11, 2009
It was spring time in 2005 when my dad bought me a Nokia 2600, my
inaugural cell phone. A mobile phone was still something worth mentioning at that time and it was in its transition from being a luxurious gadget to a 24*7 necessity! I had made my point of buying a “colour” handset which really was something special when black n white sets had the majority of the market share. I was a hostel creature at that time and honestly speaking I was quite thrilled to bring it to my hostel.
Life went on and mobile phones gradually started becoming something more than a movable, handy talking machine.Incorporation of polyphonic ringtones along with FM radio were the first enhancements.Newspapers were loaded with adds about those sleek features. Reading them made me think that if I had bought my set at some later date I wouldn’t have missed those features! The situation became more agonizing when many of my friends bought those sets and displayed the features. “ One must be satisfied with what he/she has..” but all those moral science theories seem to be applicable at the time of exam only merely for passing the paper! The situation became out of bounds with the arrival of the revolutionary GPRS & MMS! I really gave a damn serious thought of having a new set!
Out of this dissatisfaction I got my second set, a SAMSUNG breed!, I don’t exactly remember the model although. A cute black one with all those features. I really cared for it. It was winter 2006 then! Technology never stops man! Soon phones started having music players, cameras and more memory spaces.Any time photo(ATP) and Any time Music(ATM) were the buzz words! The prices also started falling drastically due to more penetration of the mobile network in our country.
Autumn 2007… I got my third set, an LG dynamite! Well it is still running!
Dissatisfaction seems a very awkward trait but out of it is born INVENTION! Mobile companies have marched forward utilizing this inherent character man. Actually Mobile phone is only an example here. Civilizations have progressed only because people have always wanted to uplift their standards as they were not happy of what they were having at that point of time.
Saturday, June 6, 2009
Few days back as i was surfing the news channels suddenly i saw something worth mentioning on CNN-IBN. Most of us can still visualize the horrible images of 26/11. Although we might have forgotten the names of the slain HEROES yet we still treat them with reverence whenever their reference comes anywhere. But reality defies benevolence!!! All those tall promises being made at the backdrop of the dastardly act have failed to materialize. Well we are accustomed to Politicians’ false promises!!! But the fact is that the families haven’t got their legitimate shares. Keeping aside the officers’, families of the others don’t have enough resourse to meet their daily needs without proper help. They are reported to be going through a state of utter anxiety. What is the future??? Yeah we are a SECULAR nation but that doesn’t mean to OIL a single community every now and then and forget the real sufferers. Perpetrators as well as Victims of terrorism have no religion. Only Lighting candles and marching with banners won’t help the cause either. We the common people must raise our voice towards this gross negligence. Terrorism is a heinous crime but more shameful it is to neglect those whose father or husband or brother has dedicated his life at an immature age for the cause of the nation. I hope that by this time those bereaved families have seen a ray of hope for their future.