Saturday, October 24, 2009

Do Good Men Always Succeed?

Undoubtedly the words that signify the sentence are “good” and “success”; two words which are the most sought after in our lives and with which we like to have an ever unending affair ! Now how to define a good man? May be someone who indulges in something worthy of mentioning...And the big thing we fail to notice is that we always judge from the perspective whether the “good” has some benefit for us. Our view is that of a judge in that respect. Now come to the person’s perspective. Well good to him can be something that he really cherishes to do and which can be beneficial to him or his society. To me the work is good only when there is a unification of one’s own interests coupled with that of others. In that case harmony between two perspectives (one that of the doer and the other that of the observer) is essential.

Success is one of the most “ambiguous” words the English language has to offer.Many great men have delineated their views but the one that we all might know and one that really inspired me is what our Father of the Nation has said. According to him “success” lies in the pursuit of the goal and not only in its achievement. I think without failures success has no meaning and its realization depends on how failures are perceived. And the most amazing way to understand failure is to compare it to a feedback! In control engineering when a system output deviates from the desired level sends feedback signal to the input and this ultimately leads the output to the desired level. In that way failures help us in two ways: firstly we come to know what the actual way of doing the work is and secondly (may be the more important one) help us realize what we really want to achieve. Many a time we almost blindly try to reach somewhere or do something without knowing the exact reason.

Finally how to combine “good” with “success”??? The $1 million question! Again that perspective context becomes inevitable. So this question really doesn’t have an exact answer. Some people dedicate their lives for others but still remain at the receiving end of another group’s ire. So the problem is multi-dimensional; many interests come into play. What I think to be essential is the conviction that we must always be indebted to our society whatever we do and wherever we live. An individual can’t satisfy everyone he/she comes across but there must be a feeling for our surroundings in whatever we do. Keeping these things in mind if anyone is satisfied with his/her work then well he/she can realize deep within an undercurrent of “SUCCESS”!!! Success is a feeling, not a physical entity.

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